Your Story

December 3, 2015

Looking for my father

Hi Andile bengingajabula uma ningangitholela ubaba wami engingakaze ngimbone igamalami ngingu Duduzile Precious Masina mina ngavela ngo 1982-08-03,yena imagama wakhe …

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December 3, 2015

uMzala olahlekile (Gugu Zondi)

Sawubona Khumbul’ekhaya, Bengisacela ningifunise umzala wami uGugu Zondi, okhulele Emhhubeni, eMtshezi Kwa-Zulu Natal. uGugu, unezingane ezimbili zabafana (zimnyaka engu11 no7) …

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November 30, 2015

responce to Thabiso

I’m writing in response to the post that was posted by Thabiso Dyantyi looking for her mother Zandil Marks from …

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