Why do people leave their families then write to Khumbul’ekhaya to help them get home? How do you forget where you came from?
The Road to Reconnection

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Some of us we never met our real families and Khumbul’ekhaya is the only way to help us to find them.
Hawu kahle bo ukuphoxa ukhumbulekhaya ozosiza usebenzise nopetrol wawo what kind of a question is that uhlanganaphi vele ngoba ngeke ufake lutho
Hi, please note that Khumbul’ekhaya finds your relatives for free. We would never ask you for money. Please do not put your contact details on public platforms because there are scam artists out there. Thank you
Khumbul’ekhaya is really doing a good work for us,an am really appreciating teir work,we write to them as u know how life is goes,ppl hv kids without wedlocks,an separate later,kids need to know teir roots,u need to no who u r an where u from.u can’t live alone
Dats true Khumbule’khaya really helped it doesn’t matter if you are the one who left home or no they will help you
I real appriciate the work u guys r doing its means a lot to even i haven’t find my brother bt i stl watch khumbulekhaya cause i always hope i wl find him one day keep up the good work
Cc ukhumbulekhaya uyanceda coz sizala abantwana singabaxeleli ukuba ngabakwaban
some people forget home because somehwere along the lines tyey become mentally disturbed. We picked up a homeless guy PHILEMON JAN MOSIA and he ddin’t know where he was – all he remembered is that he is from MAGALAN (QWAQWA). You can tell he has seen it all – he has scars all over his body. Sometimes trauma can wipe a memory
I want to ask that if a relative left South Africa to overseas ( London) is Khumbul’ekhaya able to find that relative?
Alok Dear iimeko zakudala azifani nangiku, namaxesha awasafani so iKhumbulekhaya ayinandaba noba lomntu umfunayo une50 years ungasambo yona iyakukhangelele. Asinabazali, asinabantwakwethu, asinabosisi futhi asinabo nogogo pofu bayapilala qa asazuba siqalengapi xa isibafuna so Khumbulekhaya uvala uzozikhala, usinekeza elinyithuba lokuba sipile kunye naabo sibathandayo
Hi am looking for my father.I don’t know what to do can hoi help me to get him. His name is Joseph Joe Maphumulo wase Mzimkhulu ngapheseya kwe Mkhomazi. He was working at Ulundi ngama 80’s at a construction company.my mother ‘s name is Saraphina Nkosi. staying at Ulundi .l am his son Jabulisa Maphumulo. My mother moved to Swaziland
This is insane uphambene phakathi ekhanda CC. Abantu abazalwe obaba ngezizathu ezithile balahlekelana nomama bezngane okunye ashone umama wengane engakaychazeli ngekubo ingane so if ingane isidinga ubaba wayo wena ubona ukuthi ingamthola kanjani ngaphandle koksizwa uKhumbulekhaya? Ngyaxolisa ukusho ukuthi woke ucabangele abanye abantu ay ukuzcabangela wedwa if wena uzelwe kwaqonda konke okwakho so please ungasenzi intlekisa thina esdinga abakithi cs asizizalanga futhi asizikhethelanga ukzalwa ubaba bese eyashona.