U Violet Mkhize u cela ukuthi u Khumbula Ekhaya amsize ngo ku thola usis wakhe owa lahleka ngo 1982 eyo funa umsebenzi e Boksburg. Ucela ukuthi nimuthinte ngo makhala ekhukhwini wale nombolo elandelayo engu 0733311124. Siyabonga

U Violet Mkhize ohlala e 55 Ndulwini Section e Thambisa i nombolo yakhe ingu 0733311124
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Khumbula Ekhaya you are service the communities by wonderful service of uniting families even by reconciling those who abruptly left their family under tense moods. May God always provide you with much love and courage through infallible power of helping by uniting friends and family members through it all.