Please help me find my uncle

Dear andile please help me find my uncle muketa Johannes selepe who went missing on the 4th of march 2012 the last time we sore him he was wearing a blue jacket with a gray trouser and a black safe boots ukuhamba kwake kulekhe usizi olukhulu ngoba bekangu muntu ongaphilile kahle emqondweni ushiye osisibakhe ababili kanye nobhuti wakhe oyedwa u thandi,lindiwe,no mandla kuzwakala sengathi usemadadeni sicela uma ngabe kukhona ombonayo noma omfanisayo othinte udadewake uLindiwe kule number 0823645571 noma nishayele lapha kwa khumbulekhaya
Siyabonga yithina abazithobayo umndeni wakhe

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