Dear Khumbul ekhaya, I am writing this on behalf of my Fiance who is Doreen Mpolokeng Modiba, She is Drastically looking for Her father by the name of Thabo Modiba, is from “Khesell” in QwaQwa, Doreen never saw her father and she really wants to find her Father, Thabo and Doreen`s Mother Johanna Irene Plaatjies meet in the late 80s in Olifantshoek Northern Cape, Thabo used to work for Murray n Roberts in Olifantshoek, Doreen was born in Olifantshoek Please Help her Please, Doreen`s numbers are 0744099133 mine 0717985554, please Help Doreen to find Thabo Modiba who we believe is in “Khesell” Qwa Qwa