Good day. About a year ago my father went missing. the precise date is 18\10\2014. He was Diagnosed with Dementia in 2013. This is one of the types of Alzheimer’s you get. I tried reaching the program through your e-mail address but was unsuccessful. he went missing near the area of newton park, near builders warehouse in Port Elizabeth. We have tried different search channels such as the newspaper and the missing persons show on sabc2. We as a family hope that you can help us with the search. You are our last hope seeing that the show is so popular in finding missing persons and re-uniting them with their loved ones. His details are as follow: David japtha, Born 297\1939, from uthenhage. He was born in Port Elizabeth and knows the area well. he speaks Afrikaans, English and Xhosa. He has different nicknames, some of them are, Jamie, oom D and more. We hope you can look into this matter to get our dear father back to us. You can contact me via e-mail or at this number 0632444069,0419882682.