I Published the story of my missing sister on this site. Last night i recived a call from a man that calls himself Pastor Skhosane Mgeneni,from Ntshongwe Location,next to Ntshongwe,he gave me and id number as ff 6007126915084. He told me he has my sisters “body” as she passed away few days ago,and said he needs money to send the body to my home. I called the cops to verify, only to find out he is fraud. People should be warned of people that take advantage of our miseries on this site. KHUMBULEKHAYA,WARN PEOPLE

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Me an my Younger Sister Innocentia published story about our missing Uncle Placid sometime ago and yesterday 24/05/16 at about 6:58pm we got message from someone saying that ” WE ARE AT MZEMBE FUNERAL HOME LOOKING FOR FAMILY MEMBERS OF MAHLOKO PLS CALL PASTOR SKHOSANE”this is sooo frustrating knowing that you are looking for your loved ones and some people just come and make this just to benefit them.They said they are in Sodwana Bay in KZN and to my knowledge his place is somewhere at the North Coast,listen to this..’.we need you to come and identify the body as the deceased left a big envelope written ”Private and Confidential for Family only” this people needs to understand that we are in pain not knowing where is our family members are,PLEASE PEOPLE BE WARNED…
Dear Khumbulekhaya nami lomuntu ungithole he took R1100 ethi uzobuyisa umzimba kabhuti wami owaduka kudala. Sengihlale lutho umuntu useluvalile ucingo usethanda, thina sihluphekile but kukhona abafana ngathi. Ngizomthola kodwa ayikho inkinga yehlani kuloPastor futhi akekho kosodwana lomuntu
I called a friend of mine that owns funeral homes,and that funeral home doesn’t exist. They also told me about it too. The envelope story,i got it too. same story,same names, everything,and police say they can’t do anything about it. Khumbule khaya must announce this on air. i don’t see why they cant priorities this issue. These scams deal with vulnerable people,its easy to fall for their lies. Why cant people be warned on air?
My sister and i sent a letter looking for our brother we got a message that reads we are from mzebe funeral home looking for the family they wrote he’s name surname and they have correct info about him we were convinced until i researced on this mzembe home.He also called both of us and said they are in kzn.khumbulekhaya should announce this on TV and warn people
Hi family, there’s a post on on home page that says, please do not put your numbers on public platforms and also says that you should not pay anyone who says they work for or with Khumbul’ekhaya. We apologise for the loss of money and inconvenience caused.