Tavongashe Nhamo

My name is Fariraishe Shumba. I am looking for my brother Tavongashe Nhamo who has not communicated to any family member since he left Home(Mberengwa-Zimbabwe) for Johannesburg in 2006. He is reported to have been last seen in Pretoria-Oliven in September 2011.He is 30 years old and He is light in complexion. If anyone has come across or has seen Tavongashe can he/she communicate to his family at the following numbers: Fari Shumba +263 714 329 468(whatsapp)/+263 775 750 656, Charity Nhamo +27 78 715 8716 or Courage Nhamo +27 63 011 9307(whatsapp) or email me at shumbafariraishe@gmail.com. I have attached a Photo of him(taken in 2011)

Thank you.

Fariraishe Shumba

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