We have met Mmapula, we have met Madimabe, our parents give us names depending on their circumstances at the time, sometimes you are named after someone they like and your name is Malome. Do names affect us in any way? has your name affected you in some way? Were you teased in school because your name is Oros? Would you change your name if you had the option? Do you use a nickname because your name is too hard to pronounce?
What’s in a name?

2 responses to “What’s in a name?”
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My name is cool maybe it because im the first born but i love my nickname also cause it easy the problem is that even boys uses it Ma-ah while some they’re Andile
My name is cool I like it bt my nickname I dnt like it I remember once I had to fight wit my classmate because she was teasing me wit my nickname she even created a song abt it that should upset me