I’m Lexon Butey Mokope Temane ,My mother is Bafedi Mashiane from Gamalekane .My Mother was working at stilbord near Tubatse mine in 1984 to 1985 she was meet a man who called Johannes Phasha so my Mother was be pregnant of that man so since my mother see that man in that time my mam get birth me I was born in 1985 june30 now I do not know my father and I have 7years with sick I’m going up and down I can not get help because to get help is to get my father I wish God can help me because I’m working good job but I resigned because I’m sick I don’t know what must I do I need help please to get my father.I was written khumbulekhaya in 2011 to 2012 I did get feedback thank you my number is 0760396993