hi Andile my name is Xolani Nkosi I was born on 3 march 1988.I stay at Nelspruit (Kanyamazane).I’M writing this letter to you khumbulekhaya to help me find my father his name is Phillip Mhlaule or Hadebe I’M not sure between the two surnames which one is his real surname from what I’M hearing from my mother he was from eastern cape he came to Nelspruit during the 70s to work and he was working under the municipality of Mbombela but during that Era it was known as (GG) he was a mechanic there. He also have other children’s with his wife back home, he then went back home before I was born and he told my mother that he will come back for me but now is 27 years still the is no sign of him and my things are not going very well. I just want to know him nothing else.

looking for my father that I never knew
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Ligama lami ngimi Jabulile Elsie Mahlalela from nkomazi region magogeni, ngicela kufuniswa babe wami lengingamati lobekasebenta firm yemakhandlela emjejane (Hectospruit) ngemunyaka wa 1980-1982, make wami ligama lakhe bekungu Nomiah Tshuma lobekasebenta firm yemakhandlela emjejane, lobabe kuvakala kutsi use Lebowakgomo ligama lakhe angilati sibongo sakhe waka Malatjie, ngiyacela ningifunise babe tintfo Tami atilungi ngoba ngisebentisa sibongo lesingasiso Sami kutsiwa bekayi nduna lemakhandleleni angumusuthu inkinga make sewashona ene azange angitjele liciniso kutsi sibongo saka Mahlalela akusiso sami manje ngiyahlupheka kute lokulungako ngenca yesibongo Sami ngiyatsemba lusito ngitalithola, my contact number 0790550865 / 0711695153 ,chantelm707@gmail.com
Dear Khumbule khaya, ligama lami ngimi Jabulile Elsie Mahlalela at magogeni nkomazi region Mphumalanga, ngicela kufuniswa babe wami lengingamati ligama lakhe angilati sibongo Sakhe waka Malatjie, ligama lamake ngu Nomiah Tshuma kutsiwa badibana emjejane hectospruit bebasebenta firm yemakhandlela ngemunyaka wa 1980-1982, make watsandzana nababe Malatjie wase uba pregnant wase uyahlukana nababe Malatjie wahamba wayotsandzana nababe Mahlalela, lokubuhlungu make akazange angitjele liciniso kutsi sibongo Sami ngiwakabani baka Mahlalela sebahlalela kungibita ngeligoya batsi angihambe ngiye KU babe wami lengingamati nekumati, lokunye tintfo Tami atilungi kutsiwa angilungise indzaba yesibongo Sami ngiyekele kusebentisa sibongo lesingasiso Sami ngiyacela ningifunise babe noma tihlobo takhe kuvakala kutsi use Lebowakgomo, contact number 0790550865 / 0711695153, chantelm707@gmail.com.