Hello Sir/Madam
I am Deodatus,a young man of 30yrs! I am from Tanzania but for 5 years now i am in Sicily-Italy for studying for becoming a Catholic Priest!I have finished my studies and in June with God’s Will I will be Ordained Deacon!
Iam writing to ask what should i do o how can you help me to find my father whom i dont know since i was born! My mother (RIP) told me that he is South Afican from Zulu tribe and he was in Tanzania at that period for fighiting agaist aperthaid regime! I dont know what role he had at that time, but for sure he lived at Mazimbu campus or one of the campus that was in Morogoro region! I hope is still alive and i wish to embrass him and know my parents and my brothers and sisters if he has another children! His name is Richard Charles Zola! He was in Tanzania before and i think even after 1986, I was born 01/12/1986 and i think he was in Tanzania between March and nine moths after!
Thanks for attention! I am sorry for my English! God Bless you! God Bless South Africa!
Hope to receive a good news from you!
Deodatus Richrd