Dear Khumbul’ekhaya please help me to find my brother children which since I only saw them long time ago when my brother separetted to theire mother ln the laties 1992.My late brother name is Conty Jonnas Mazibuko theire mother is Promlse Mcube they were living at Nhlapo section katlehong.’After separation to my late brother they moved back to KwaZulu Natal Nxuthu area.the names of my brother children are Palesa.Nomusa and Thabiso Mazibuko which I believe they are now frowned.please khumbulekhaya I like them to know that since I was trying to found them long time ago but with no name is Paki Mazibuko living in the Vaal area In Meyerton my contact .my late brother was working at Mr cardboard inAlrode while was still alive.
details iis 0768007894 please help me to find them