Hello, my name is Prudence Shabangu, currently we live in Siyabuswa Mpumalnga, Im 30 years. Im a daughter of Lisbet Shabangu who used to rent a room in Mamelodi where she lived with myself, my father and my little sister Rose (27 years old)and there life was good my mother never thought that today we will be without our father who my mother only knows as Pecks Shabalala who is allegedly from Giyani. There is also my little brother who is Jeffrey (24 years old) he never knew our father as he lost contact with my mother when he was just a toddler that was somewhere around 1993. However my mother says that he used to work as a guard at Denneboom station IN MAMELODI and had a nephew by the name of Derek Maluleke who use to live at section 18 khona eMamelodi and that he had another family at Mamelodi,. I grew up with him until right after I started school, when the years went by without any sign of him in our lives it left this huge confussion, up until this day I fail to understand how can he just leave us like that, and never look back? So we plead with anybody who might know about his whereabouts to contact us on this numbers 0781176223 / 0727332239 / 0608320534. Ngiyabonga.