Dear Khumbulekhaya
I am Prudence Khakhathi Makhwara staying in Ivory Park Ext 2 looking for my grandfather and grandmother.My grandfathers name is Philemon Nndanganeni Mapande who left Venda (Tshifarafarani Village)by the trucks of GG Contractors to Capetown (sommerset west)Philemon have a daughter called Jeaneth Masakona Mapande she was taken to Venda by Philemon’s brother Andries Mapande who was working at railway.
Anyone with information of his where abouts and his family contact us.He used to write letters to Vari Primary School.The last time he wrote he post the letter with picture of him and his son Freddy to show Jeaneth her brother.We want them back home.
me and my family will be happy if Khumbulekhaya will help us locate them.
Contact no. 060 740 9707