Our brother August Cassim (also known as Augie, he can be seen in the third row in the picture on the far right) born on 1st August 1941 in Ophirton and lived in Erp street in the same area. His father and mother was Gammat and Lena Cassim. His siblings were Rachel, Nicky, Martha, Herman, Lena, William, Diana, Letta and Anna. In 1959 he left Johannesburg and went on tour to Sweden with a group called the Golden City Dixies, (they still have a Facebook page) went to Cape Town and is suspected to have lived in Elsiesriver. He thereafter performed in the Coon Carnival in Cape Town. He was last seen by His brother Nicky in Cape Town many years ago. We have taken on many leads which lead us to dead ends. One member of the group lives close by but has problems remembering because of age. We hope to know where he is, dead or alive.