Laws against women

In some countries you can only report spousal rape if do not live in the same house as your husband…

In other countries you go to jail for getting pregnant out of wedlock even if your pregnancy resulted from rape…If a man commits adultery, he is just being a man, if a woman commits the same “crime” she must be prosecuted and punished or maybe as in other cultures; stoned to death.

When do we get to see women as human beings?

Currently when you attend a wedding, the woman is told how to treat a man, most of the time you must be the object of his affection, you must run all chores in your house, raise children, work, feed him and never ask him any questions…

As a woman now you are currently fighting your way through the corporate ladder whilst nursing your babies, studying, cooking for your family, cleaning your house and somehow still managing a calm, cool  and classy composure after a long day at work. Somehow also try not to take too many leave days to nurse your sick child or even take your child to the clinic for vaccinations.

Women are shamed daily on social media for being “the side dish” or “sometimes the ignorant wife who thinks her man is a saint”.


On a daily women strive to be “his main girl” or “his kind of girl”. When in the world will a woman ever be human?


3 responses to “Laws against women

  1. I think we have to define our own humanity, it cannot be defined for us. I thank God for the generations of women that came before to fight for my right to vote, to speak, to divorce, to work, to be paid an equal wage, a benefit not yet available to all, but one that this generation must fight for so our future women can experience these kinds of freedoms too.

  2. Hi andile igama lam nginuNonto sithole evryheid ngokuhlala ngineminyaka engu 32 ngicela ukufuniswa ubaba wam okungu Sam moestaneng engikaze ngimbone selokhu ngazalwa wangithola kuNomusa Sithole babehlangane egoli ngeminyaka yama 80s umama kwakungowakwaNongoma eNatal kwayena angihlali naye ngiphila njengentandane engenabazali uma ngithi ngimbuza ngobaba uvele avuke ngolaka angitshele ukuth wamgcina ehlala emedeoland ezone 9 ehlala kwa anti wam owayeshadele kwaLetsetse uye ath akasayikhumbuli ino yendlu kodwa uth kwakusemvakwezitolo lapho ngicela usizo ngihluphekile impilo sengiyibona isinzima kakhulu uye ath kubokababa kwakuseQwaqwa ngingajabula uma ngingasizakala Andile

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